R-Licence Course


What is the Hellenic Hunters R-Licence accreditation course?


Do you want to hunt on state forest land?


To legally hunt on NSW state forest land, you need to hold an R-Licence (which is managed and issued by the Department of Primary Industries – DPI). An R-License can be issued to Firearms License Holders or Bow Hunters ( who do not have Firearms License)

  1. To obtain and R-Licence you need to satisfy the following criteria:
  2. Be over 12 years of age. For those aged 12-18 you will need parent or guardian approval.
  3. Be a current member of an Approved Hunting Organisation. Note: Hellenic Hunters is an Approved Hunting Organisation (AHO).
  4. Have accreditation ( the DPI LEAP course attained through an AHO) for one or more of the following R-Licence categories:
    1. Firearms
    2. Bows
    3. Dogs
    4. Blackpowder Firearms   
  5. Apply for your R-licence to the DPI (after you have obtained R-licence accreditation) and pay the relevant R-licence fee.



The Hellenic Hunters Facilitated R-Licence Accreditation Course

R-licence accreditation helps ensure hunters are responsible, competent and have a good clear knowledge and awareness of legislation, public safety and animal welfare. Completing the R-Licence Accreditation Course, part of the Hunter LEAP education and training program, satisfies the R-Licence training requirements.

Hellenic Hunter have 4 accredited Hunter LEAP program providers.

The R-Licence Accreditation Course takes about 60 minutes to complete and is an open-book multiple choice assessment.

'Open-book' means you can look through the Hunter Education Handbook, which is supplied to you at the venue, for answers to the multiple-choice questions. It's your ability to think critically and creatively that is being tested, not your ability to memorise and recall facts.


When are the Hellenic Hunters Facilitated R-Licence Accreditation courses run?

Our R-licence courses are run every Thursday (excluding the first Thursday of every Month). Our courses are facilitated from the Bexley Golf Club, which is located in the Sydney suburb of Bexley, in Sydney’s south.

Register your interest by submitting R Licence enquiry below. 


How much does the R-Licence accreditation course cost?

Adults: $30

Students and Pensioners: $15


How can you pay for a course?

Payment is made when couse is undertaken. (Cash only as no eftpos facility available).



R-Licence Enquiry Form